We know how to grow business in challenging times. More importantly, we can show you how.
Pro Legal is a professional services group comprised of five global consulting entities that serve businesses and corporate organisations across numerous industries. Our collective expertise in crafting and co-creating strategies that define the future of growth and sustainability for our clients stretches over many decades.
The name Pro Legal means ‘creating uniqueness by design’, which embodies the essence of what we do as a new generation consultancy, and the ethos of our global team of seasoned professionals, accomplished entrepreneurs and dynamic innovators. This uncompromising dedication to innovation and problem-solving shines through every aspect of the Pro Legal brand.


As specialist professionals, we enable the leadership and key stakeholders of businesses to evaluate their current and future business requirements. As entrepreneurs, we empower them to take on the adventure and utilise cutting edge systems, technology and new practises to ensure a successful outcome.
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Regulatory License Applications

Many financial services activities are regulated by Central Banks and specialist divisions within Government.Business activities that are regulated

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Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is much more than just a few checks in a box. It is a detailed examination of the effectiveness of your company’s processes, systems, or risks, followed by an assessment of how you could improve.
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Mergers and acquisitions

Transactions between two companies combining in some form. Although mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are used interchangeably, they come with different legal meanings.
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AML Training

Pro Legal offer specialist compliance AML training and workshops which include the latest information on the AML and CTF rules and regulations.


“Your ability to discern, analyse, interpret and reverse-engineer complex organisational issues into actionable strategies through your proprietary software and strategic aptitude, is astounding. It has elevated us to a new paradigm of thinking, new ways of doing, and a new vision of -and for our future. Exceptional insights provided by a highly capable project team. We value our continued association with you.”


Our ability to discern, analyse, interpret and reverse-engineer complex business, regulatory and organisational issues assists our clients to implement actionable strategies.

We champion innovation, new paradigms of thinking and executing with a key focus to support our clients and partners during current challenging times.


We have advised C-level executives, boards and board members, senior managers, and business owners on
complex organisational issues and strategic imperatives, with exceptional results.
More than 100 satisfied clients in 16 countries (and counting), ranging from multinational corporates, government-affiliated organisations and state-owned enterprises to financial services providers, SMEs and SMMEs.
Ready to revitalise your business
and re-energise your people?