Bank Account

Need a New Bank Account?

We have partnered with a variety of local, international and specialist banks and can assist you to get a new account.
In today’s risk adverse environment many businesses often struggle to secure strong banking partners, particularly those organisation’s who deal with large transactions, high risk jurisdictions or services that fall outside of the average risk appetite of major Banks.



Founded by a former Barclays corporate banker, Pro Legal work with a variety of local and international businesses who require the support of major banks and services such as multicurrency account, SWIFT, SEPA and Faster Payment systems, online portals and competitive rates.

Our certified compliance experts analyse what paperwork you must prepare to present the business in an acceptable manner. We will inform you of any documents, policies or procedures that are either missing or not up to standard. Once those items are resolved we are able to continue our work and commence with our vast network of banks in order to find a good fit for your business.

We will then guide you through the application process to ensure that you have all your documentation in order to ensure the likelihood of you achieving a successful outcome.


Each Bank have their own bespoke onboarding and KYC requirements, however there are some essential documents that must be prepared as part of the supporting documentation which include:

Detailed Business Plan

36 month financial forecast

Anti-Money Laundering Framework

Enterprise Business Risk Assessment

UBO ownership structure + fit and proper evidence

Copies of regulatory licenses and relevant trade permissions

Copies of commercial agreements

Evidence of certified training

Biometric scanning

Interview (which we will co-ordinate and help you prepare for) Etc.

What Improves Your Success Rate

Banks are required to undertake a risk assessment went on boarding a client. Experience is what works most in favour of any company or individual who commences with the process. Banks will most likely reject any application which comes unprepared and where the applicant is improper.

Applicants must ensure that they have a robust anti-money laundering program which is relevant to their business model.

Being able to demonstrate a comprehensive resume acts as evidence that you know your business, have the right management team, have a good grasp of regulatory understanding and essential policies and procedures to combat the threat of money laundering, terrorist financing and financial fraud.

Banks expect all individuals to be up-to-date in their AML learning and expect to receive copies of training that is relevant. Training certificates helps to also satisfy the bank the bank that your employees know the companies policies and procedures which are outlined within the AML framework.

Unfortunately due to the heightened environment and the current market climate affecting all businesses, ML and counterterrorist financing are factors that affect almost all commercial businesses these days.

Finally a full review must be performed by a qualified specialist and they will sift through every item and aspect of your business outlining any deficiencies and give you the opportunity to address them before making a formal submission to the Bank.

Compliance is also at the forefront of improving your odds to satisfy the Bank. Therefore it is essential that you prepare comprehensive supporting documents that evidence your business:

  Implements a money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment (at least on an annual basis)
   Implements systems, policies, controls and procedures to address money laundering and terrorist financing risks and meet the regulatory requirements
   Applies your policies, procedures and controls across your company or group structure
   Provides training to staff
   Complies with new customer due diligence, enhanced due diligence and simplify due diligence requirements
   Complies with requirements relating to PEPs
   Ensures your record keeping and data protection, policies and procedures meet the requirements of the regulations
   Complies with new obligations related to record keeping, GDPR and the provision of information about beneficial ownerships of your clients
Why Would A Bank Reject Your Application

Ultimately there are a number of variables that could affect the final outcome of your application and these are often solely at the discretion of the Bank.

There are some red flags where applications could be automatically declined, these include senior management, executives or UBOs who have:

   A criminal history or linked, or related to, an OFAC/SDN individual.
   Very adverse financial history.
   Direct PEPs status (or very close relationship).
   Adverse media history.

There are some red flags where applications could be automatically declined, these include senior management, executives or UBOs who have:

   Your customers
   Geographic areas where your business operates
   Your products and services
   Your transactions (incoming & outgoing)
   Your delivery channels
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