Protecting the customer or
client data and information
that you process

Not prioritising data privacy is paramount to sub-optimal governance

The era we live in is dubbed the “information age” or “digital age” because of how easy it has become to access, share, and process information. However, this deepening interconnectedness has not been without significant risk to businesses and organisations that process the data of their clients or customers and other stakeholders. One of the biggest challenges that businesses face in this digital dispensation, apart from not complying with data privacy laws and regulations, is the likelihood of suffering severe reputational damage from breaches due to incoherent data protection policies, procedures, and systems. It not only shows a lack of seriousness or concern in the eyes of customers or clients, but also points to inadequate governance, likely the most important management consideration alongside organisational strategy and astute financial management.   

Stolen information, ransomware, password guessing, recording keystrokes, phishing, malware, viruses, and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) are just some of the threats that businesses and organisations need to guard against.

Understanding Personal Data Protection Legislation

In the United Arab Emirates the Personal Data Protection Law, Federal Decree Law No. 45 of 2021 regarding the Protection of Personal Data constitutes an integrated framework to ensure the confidentiality of information and protect the privacy of individuals in the UAE. The legislation provides a proper governance for data management and protection and defines the rights and duties of all parties concerned.

How can Pro Legal assist you to compliantly manage your Personal Data obligations?

We can assist you understand and implement policies and procedures that ensure that you:

Apply sufficient measures to compliantly manage the processing of personal data, whether in full or part through your electronic systems, inside or outside the UAE.

Define the controls for the processing of personal data and the general obligations to secure personal data and maintain your obligations to implement confidentiality and privacy.

Advise you on the prohibitions of processing of personal data without the consent of legal owners.

Understand in which circumstances cases you can process data when necessary to protect a public interest or to carry out any of your legal procedures and obligations under UAE law.

Help you understand what laws give legal owners of the data the right to request for corrections of inaccurate personal data and to restrict or stop the processing of their personal data.

Help you implement the requirements for the cross-border transfer and sharing of personal data for your company’s processing purposes.