How you delivery value and charge for it

Changes in consumer behaviour
demand a rethink of sales configuration

Directly correlated with the success or underperformance of any business or organisation is the effectiveness of its sales enablement function. Where value innovation and portfolio strategy focus on products and services, sales enablement and pricing strategy focus on how said products and services are charged for and ultimately delivered to clients, and by whom. Regardless of business type or industry, customer-facing protocol remains at the top of the strategic agenda, notwithstanding the lack of attention or consideration that it often receives due to rigid organisational structures, old habits, past successes, sub-optimal time management, redundant systems or processes, poor cross-organisational alignment, and restrictive company cultures, to name a few.  

With our holistic new generation approach to strategy and sales enablement, we help business owners and senior management re-engineer and optimise their sales force strategy and effectiveness for accelerated growth.

Working alongside sales and marketing divisions, teams, and managers, we gather and unpack growth-enabling data and insights through strategic audits, qualitative evaluations, and quantitative analysis (data science). Financial performance metrics and other key indicators are embedded in our process to ensure measurable outcomes.

How we help clients

Sales funnel diagnostic

Sales force strategy and effectiveness

Strategic change management

Incentive programmes

360-degree performance appraisals

Value chain integration

Cross-sell and upsell strategies

Data mining and leveraging strategies

Leverage marketing

Networking capability

Key performance indicators

Price differentiation strategies

Segmentation strategies

Brand advocacy

Messaging architecture

Content writing and curation

Creative media design